Universal Studios

Through a friend we managed to book discounted tickets to Universal Studios Hollywood, which was great. We arrived literally as the doors were opening and managed to get on all of the big popular rides before there were any lines.

universal studios


This was by far the best ride here – The Transformers ride is a 3D simulation ride, which takes you from room to room, plays with your senses and makes your tummy fall. We even got to meet Optimus Prime!

optimus prime


The other great rides was the Mummy roller coaster and the Simpson’s simulation ride. Once we had riden until our hearts were content  it was time to find Marty Mcfly and the famous Delorean.

marty mcfly


‘Water World’ was the live performance being shown whilst we were there. I enjoyed it, definitely worth watching.


The show went for around 30 minutes, be careful where you sit though as the first three rows are soak zones, the jet skis enjoy to make a splash!

For lunch we went to Flintstones Cafe and ate a HUGE turkey leg, was a monster to eat.

turkey leg

Feeling full from lunch we decided to do the Studio Tour, the tour went for around and hour and was excellent. You get taken through flooding subways, Wisteria Lane, Pyscho’s motel, Jaw’s territory, plane crash, Mummy tunnel, King Kong and so many other cool sets from well known movies and TV shows.


Jurassic prak

After the Studio Tour we had fun meeting the characters and playing around with the different sets.



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We really enjoyed Universal Studios, it’s a great day out. I would set aside a full day during peak season as we’ve heard that the lines can be over 2 hours long at times.

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