The White Sandy Beaches of Tulúm

Catching the ADO bus from Playa Del Carmen to Tulúm we arrived early afternoon and caught a taxi to our new home at ‘Azucar Hotel‘.

Azucar Hotel, is made up of 5 huts, 4 right on the beach and 1 with garden views. It is really pretty, the beach side huts are rather spacious, the garden hut is quite cosy, but the only cooling device are fans, so can get quite hot in summer.

We had the hut with garden views as it was a lot cheaper and we were still only 10 seconds from the beach.


our hut

view to beach

Tulúm beach is beautiful, the sand is so white and the water so blue.

tulum beach

Another beautiful site of Tulúm is the Tulúm Ruins – they are situated at the far right of Tulúm beach (if looking out to the sea).

tulum ruins

The beautiful walkThe beautiful walkway to the ruins 

iguana We found this guy hiding on the sidewalk 

iguana 2


me amigo

Tulúm is beautiful and a place I would recommend if you were ever planning a trip to Mexico. If you stay in a resort on the beach, do be prepared to spend a lot on transportation, as it is about 7km to the town. You can hire bicycles, but again that costs around $10 a day, so does add up. Tim and I attempted to walk back from the Tulúm ruins, but gave up after halfway as we were being attacked left, right and center by hundreds of mosquitoes, so hailed a taxi for the last 5kms.


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