
Oktoberfest. How can anyone not like a celebration dedicated to beer and drinking?

Just to give an example of the size of this festival, take the Royal Show and put it on steroids, add thousands more people, tons more rides and copious amounts of beer and you are getting pretty to close to what Oktoberfest is like!

Everyone seemed in great spirits, the grounds were covered in the colours of the rainbow from all the bright lederhosen and the aromas were a combination of bratwursts and beer.

Looking the part

Looking the part

Tim feeling very German :)

Tim feeling very German 🙂

Arriving around 4PM we walked around the grounds and enjoyed a bratwurst and a pretzel before sitting in the Hofbräu Festzelt beer garden with a couple steins, or maβ (mass) as they are correctly known as in Germany 🙂

After a couple of hours we met up with Dominik’s cousin, Alex and snuck into the Hofbräu Festzelt tent, where we enjoyed more maβ, pretzels and roast chicken.



It was great to see the waitresses carrying between 5 and 8 maβ at a time! – I struggled with three 😉

At 11PM we were all being kicked out of the tents and in the mumble jumble we lost Tim……looking around for almost an hour Dominik finally found him about 100m away and we headed to a German nightclub where shots were €2!!!! So a few of them later we decided to stumble home.

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